The Institute for Social Studies (ISS) at the University of Warsaw is affiliated with the internationally known Institute for Social Research (ISR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor). It is an interdisciplinary research oriented institution grouping sociologists, psychologists, economists and political scientists.
The main objectives of the Institute are:
1. to monitor social, political and economic processes of societies in transition from a totalitarian system to democratic and market economy,
2. to promote interdisciplinary approach in studying these processes,
3. to promote internationalization of East European social and behavioral science by:
- exchange initiatives for social scientists from Poland, other East European countries, the United States, and other Western countries such as short and long term visits, scientific conferences, workshops, and summer schools,
- systematic and collaborative research between scientific institutions in these countries,
- comparative analysis and discussion of theoretical perspectives emerging from different socio-cultural, political and economic systems,
- comparative analysis and discussion of theoretical perspectives emerging from different socio-cultural, political and economic systems,
- to establish and maintain standards for data collection and processing,
- to provide high quality training for graduate students, young scientists, and policy makers.
ISS activities are focused on:
- basic, mainly interdisciplinary research, applied studies, and comparative cross-cultural studies,
- enrichment of existing theories and development of new theoretical models and conceptions that integrate the growing empirical data,
- development of standardized equipment and data processing techniques for comparative studies,
- training and instruction for graduate students, young scientists and policy makers.
- ISS prepares, on contract to Polish and foreign institutions, expert reports and conducts surveys on subjects related to social, political and economic processes and phenomena.
The ISS is a national member of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. The ICPSR is the world’s largest institution (developed in the US) collecting data from all sociological, economic and political investigations and protecting high quality standards of data collection and processing. It provides its members with unlimited access to these data.