Call for Papers: Spaces of Negotiation in Post-imperial Orders, 5 – 6 May 2025 Bucharest (Romania). Conveners: Wiktor Marzec (ISS University of Warsaw), Daniela-Maria Stanciu-Păscărița (University of Sibiu). Spaces of negotiation may refer, but are not limited to: Parliamentary institution (s); Professional milieus, coffee-house, restaurants or taverns and the engagement of the public sphere in the public debate; Urban public spheres; at the market, during a street rally, on the […]
New forthcoming book by Ryszard Praszkier: “The Meaning of Paradoxes and Paradoxical Thinking” (Cambridge Series on Possibility Studies)
We congratulate ISS researcher Ryszard Praszkier on his forthcoming book “The Meaning of Paradoxes and Paradoxical Thinking” to be published in the Cambridge Series on Possibility Studies. More
Konkursy na stanowisko adiunkta
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Ogłoszenie dotyczące dwóch konkursów na stanowisko adiunkta (post-doca) w projekcie badawczym NCN OPUS pt.: “Mozaikowe parlamenty. Poimperialne pole władzy w Drugiej Rzeczpospolitej, wielkiej Rumunii i Królestwie Serbów, Chorwatów i Słoweńców po I Wojnie Światowej.”
Conference „Residues and Innovations within Imperial Orders. Political Assemblies in Continental Europe, 1800–1850”: January 23-24, 2025
Conference „Residues and Innovations within Imperial Orders. Political Assemblies in Continental Europe, 1800–1850,” co-organized by ISS, the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the German Historical Institute in Warsaw will be held on January 23-24, 2025 in Warsaw. The full program and other information be found at the link:
Seminarium Inst. Zajonca 29 XI br: E. Szumowska-Skąd bierze się dobrostan i poczucie szczęścia? Równowaga w przełączaniu między celam
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Zapraszamy na spotkanie w ramach Interdyscyplinarnego Seminarium Instytutu Zajonca (ISS UW). Wystąpienie pt. „Skąd bierze się dobrostan i poczucie szczęścia? Równowaga w przełączaniu między celami” wygłosi dr Ewa Szumowska z Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Komentarz wygłosi prof. Mirosław Kofta (Uniwersytet Warszawski). Seminarium odbędzie się 29 listopada […]
Gratulacja dla Agaty Stoli z okazji obrony doktoratu
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Gratulujemy Agacie Stoli udanej obrony doktoratu, która odbyła się na Wydziale Socjologii UW w dniu 20 XI 2024. Praca pt. „Psychospoleczne uwarunkowania zjawiska chemsex w Polsce” napisana była pod kierunkiem prof. dr hab. Anny Gizy-Poleszczuk i dr. n. med. Roberta Kowalczyka. Na zdjęciu Agata […]
Andrii Portnov’s talk (Nov 14) on “On the (Im-)possibility of Russian-Ukrainian Dialogue: Previous Attempts, War Context, Post-colonial Traps”
You are cordially invited to Joint Seminar by the Centre of Migration Research (CMR) and the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies (ISS), University of Warsaw on Nov. 14th. Professor Andrii Portnov, Professor of Entangled History of Ukraine, Director of the Viadrina Centre of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (Frankfurt/Oder) will speak on “On the (Im-) possibility of Russian-Ukrainian Dialogue: Previous Attempts, War Context, Post-colonial Traps” Professor Tomasz Zarycki (Deputy Director […]
“Perspectives on Relational Sociology” Seminar on October 29: Michalis Christodoulou
The Center for Relational Analysis of Culture and Society of the Department of Sociology of the UW and the Robert Zajonc UW Institute of Social Studies invite you to a seminar in the series “Perspectives on Relational Sociology” on October 29 (Tuesday) 2024 18:30-20:00, Venue: Karowa 18, room 204A. Michalis Christodoulou of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will present a paper entitled Do Social Relations “Have” Time? Using biographical research for […]
WG10 Digital Sociology 2024
Thank you for participating in the WG10 Digital Sociology 2024 conference!! We’ve had inspiring days filled with fascinating discussions, knowledge, and new perspectives! Your commitment and passion for exploring how technology shapes our reality were truly inspiring! The speakers touched on many important issues – from the challenges of digital inequality to the impact of AI on society – giving us a solid foundation for reflection. We are glad we could […]
Midterm Conference of International Sociological Association Working Group 10 on Digital Sociology (ISA WG10)
We remind you about the upcoming Digital Sociology Conference 2024. We invite you to participate in the conference dedicated to research on the impact of technology on society. Join us to discuss digital inequalities, AI, digital culture, and many other topics! 📅 Dates: September 16-17, 2024 📍 Location: University of Warsaw, ul. Karowa 18, Warsaw Organizers: WG10, ISS, IS UW, DeLab. See you in Warsaw!