Członek Ośrodka Badań Psychologicznych / Member of the Centre for Psychological Research Doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw, Poland. social and political psychology, psychology of men and masculinities, gender psychology He holds an MA diploma in psychology from the University of Warsaw, Poland, with a master’s thesis concerning interpersonal emotion regulation in collective action. He also has a BA diploma in economics from the University of Warsaw. He gained research experience as a research assistant in psychological OPUS grants funded by the Polish National Science Centre. His doctoral research focuses on masculinities and loneliness, trying to understand the Incel phenomenon. Comes from Tri-City. E-mail:
Stanowisko / Position:
Zainteresowania badawcze / Research interests:
Publikacje / Publications:
- Podsiadłowski, W., Marchlewska, M., Cichocka, A., Rogoza, M., & Molenda, Z. (2024). Avoidance coping explains the link between narcissism and counternormative tendencies. British Journal of Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Podsiadłowski, W., Trzcińska, A., Golus, P., & Wieleszczyk, J. (2024). Family economic deprivation and self-esteem among preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 246, Article 106013.
- Trzcińska, A., Podsiadłowski, W., Golus, P., & Wieleszczyk, J. (2024). Do not spoil your child! Self-esteem and materialism in preschool children: Exploring the role of theory of mind and fulfillment of children’s material desires. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 95, Article 101716.
- Szczepańska, D., Marchlewska, M., Rogoza, R., Podsiadłowski, W., Molenda, Z., Klusek, D., Maciantowicz, O., & Rogoza, M. (2024). The joke is on us? National narcissism and dispositions towards humor. Personality and Individual Differences, 221, Article 112543.
- Molenda, M., Marchlewska, M., Karakula, A., Podsiadłowski, W., Rogoza, M., Bagrowska, P., & Szczepańska, D. (2024). Thought contagion? Conspiracy beliefs boost paranoid thoughts. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Advance online publication.
- Marchlewska, M., Górska, P., Podsiadłowski, W., Rogoza, M., & Szczepańska, D. (2024). So different yet so alike? Political collective narcissism predicts blatant dehumanization among conservatives and liberals. British Journal of Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Trzcińska, A., Kubicka, K., & Podsiadłowski, W. (2023). The construction and preliminary validation of a new Pictorial Materialism Test for 4–6-year-old children. PLOS ONE 18(8), Arcitle e0290512.