Andrzej Turkowski

Andrzej Turkowski, Ph.D.


2021 – Assistant Professor at Center for Sociological Research


elites studies, sociology of science, sociology of knowledge, Bourdieu’s field analysis, world-system analysis, social class, inequalities and relations of power in CEE


  • 2014–’19 • PhD • Sociology • University of Warsaw
  • 2016 • Summer School “Political Constructions of Europe New Historical and Sociological Approaches,” Université Paris 1-Sorbonne/Ehess, University of Strasbourg
  • 2016 • Summer School “Cultural Memory of Europe: East and West”, Södertörn University
  • 2005–’11 • M.A. • International Relations • University of Warsaw


  • 2021– • principal Investigator • National Science Center (Poland) •  “The Polish executive: social background, careers and resources of its members. A contribution to the sociology of the Polish field of power (1988-2020)” (695 400 PLN)
  • 2018–’20 • principal Investigator • National Science Center (Poland) • “Analysis of debates on the Polish-Russian relations from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s field analysis” (72 236 PLN)
  • 2019 • project leader • The Polish-German Foundation for Academic Cooperation • “Encounters with the West that brought change. An analysis of academic mobility programs between Germany and Eastern Europe during the Cold War” (1 760 EUR)
  • 2017–’20 • team member •  National Science Center (Poland) • Sociological theory of meaning: the field of power and social sciences in processes of semiosis • Principal Investigator: prof. T. Zarycki
  • 2017,’18,’20 • Internal grants at the University of Warsaw (DSM for Ph.D. students and young scholars; microgrant IDUB)


  • 2022 • visiting scholar, Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, de l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne, du CNRS, et de l’EHESS, Paris (3 months)
  • 2020 • visiting scholar, SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe), University of Strasbourg,  Strasbourg (3 months)
  • 2019 • visiting scholar, Russian and East European Studies Dept., Charles University, Prague (1 month)
  • 2018 • visiting scholar, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (1 month)
  • 2018 • visiting researcher, Polish Studies Center, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (6 months)
  • 2017 • visiting researcher, Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (2 months)
  • 2017 • visiting researcher, Corvinus University, Budapest (1 month)
  • 2016–’17 • non-degree PhD student, Central European University, Budapest (6 months)


  • 2021– • ad hoc reviewer, “Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne,” “Stan Rzeczy”
  • 2019– • consultant  and contributing author,  “The KARTA Center”
  • 2022 • panel organizer, “New Perspective on Elite’s Change and (Re)production: Insights from a Study of Members of Governments in Poland after 1989,”  Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies
  • 2022 • workshop co-organizer (with Dr Valentin Behr), “Elite studies and prosopographical databases”, University of  Warsaw
  • 2021 • summer school organizer, “Online Summer School – Studying Elites: Case Studies and Methods,” University of Warsaw
  • 2019–’22 • team member, “Social space, fields and relationality in social research – contemporary and historical. Research network” academic mobility project funded by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
  • 2018–’21 • editorial assistant, “Kultura i rozwój”


  • 2019 • postdoctoral short-term fellowship in frame of the 4EU+ Alliance (Charles University in Prague)
  • 2018 • scholarship for research visit in frame of the bilateral program of University of Warsaw and Indiana University
  • 2017 • scholarship for research visit  from the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia and Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
  • 2014–’19 • scholarships for best PhD candidates at University of Warsaw
  • 2017 • scholarship for short-term researach visit from the Government of Hungary (Corvinus University)
  • 2016 • scholarship for research stay in frame of Visegrad Scholarship Program (Central European University)
  • 2013 • honorable mention in the Open Competition for Students’ and Doctoral Papers “Aktualna Nauka” organised by Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg and Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences


  • 2022,2023 • seminar for undergraduate students ”Introduction to Social Class and Social Mobility,”  American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw



  • 2021 • Lobbyści. Zachodni rzecznicy polskiej niepodległości [The Lobbyists. Western Advocates of Polish independence] (vol. I and II), (ed.), Warszawa: Ośrodek “KARTA”.
  • 2020 • Zmagania na peryferiach. Elity III RP o Rosji [Struggles on the Periphery. Elites of Third Polish Republic on Russia], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar.

Book chapters

  • 2022 • Od paradygmatu zależności do neoliberalizmu. Niedostrzeżona rewolucja w polskim polu nauk społecznych [From the Dependency Paradigm to Neoliberalism. An Overlooked Revolution in the Polish Social Sciences], [in:] T. Zarycki (ed.) “Polskie nauki społeczne w kontekście relacji władzy i zależności międzynarodowych”, Warszawa: WUW (with T. Zarycki).
  • 2021 • Perspektywa centrum-peryferie w analizie dyskursu polskiej polityki wobec Rosji [Center-periphery Perspective in the Analysis of the Discourse of Polish Policy Towards Russia], [in:] T. Zarycki (ed.) “Polska jako peryferie”, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar.

Journal articles

  • 2023 • Making new ‘Solidarities’: The Polish intelligentsia and the lasting legacy of the historical social movement, “Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics,” [accepted for publication] (with G. Walczak).
  • 2023 • From Wallerstein to Rothschild: The Sudden Disappearance of the Polish School of Dependency Theory After 1989 as a Manifestation of Deeper Trans-formations in the Global Field of Social Science, “Journal of World-Systems Research,”  [accepted for publication] (with T. Zarycki).
  • 2021 • A Return to Prometheanism: The Space of Opinion on Polish-Russian Relations in Post-communist Poland, “Europe-Asia Studies,” published online: 21 Apr 2022.
  • 2021 • Studium marginalizacji – Andrzej Drawicz w polskiej przestrzeni opinii o Rosji [A study of marginalization – Andrzej Drawicz in the Polish space of opinion on Russia], “Kultura i Społeczeństwo,” 65(2), 43-62.
  • 2019 • Polish Intelligentsia Totems in Elites’ Struggles for Legitimization: The Case of Jerzy Giedroyc and Poland’s Eastern Policy, “East European Politics and Societies,” 33(1), 66-88.
  • 2016 • Polityka zagraniczna Polski w perspektywie podejścia systemu światowego [Poland’s foreign policy in the perspective of the world-systems approach], “Studia Polityczne,” 42(2), 193-206.
  • 2012 • Russia’s Foreign Policy after the Presidential Elections: Prospects for Cooperation with the West, “The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs,” 3/2012, 72-86. (with J. Ćwiek-Karpowicz).

Book reviews

  • 2021 • Inteligent przybrany i odrzucony — refleksje na kanwie książki Michała Przeperskiego Mieczysław F. Rakowski. Biografia polityczna [The foster and rejected intelligentsia member – reflections on the basis of Michał Przeperski’s book: Mieczysław F. Rakowski. A Political Biography],  “Kultura i Społeczeństwo,” 4, 2021.
  • 2019 • Nauka w służbie polityki wschodniej [Science in the service of Eastern policy], (P. Kowal, “Testament Prometeusza” [Prometheus’ testament]), “Res Publica Nowa,” 1,2019.
  • 2019 • The Discreet (and Long-Lasting) Charm of the Polish Nobility, (R. Smoczyński,T. Zarycki, “Totem nteligencki. Arystokracja, szlachta i ziemiaństwo w polskiej przestrzeni społecznej” [Intelligentsia totem. Aristocracy, nobility and landed gentry in the Polish social space]), “Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Social Analysis,” 9(1).
  • 2018 • Ciągłość zamiast zmiany: z historii reformowania systemu szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce [Continuity instead of change: from the history of reforming the higher education system in Poland], (A. Zysiak, “Punkty za pochodzenie: powojenna modernizacja i uniwersytet w robotniczym mieście” [Points for Class Origin: Postwar Modernization and the University in the Working-Class City of Lodz]), “Kultura i Społeczeństwo,” 3.

Expert analysis

  • 2013 • The Role of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Military Posture, “Bulletin PISM no. 12 (465)“, Polish Institute of International Affairs
  • 2013 • Russia’s International Climate Policy, “PISM Policy Paper no. 27“ Polish Institute of International Affairs
  • 2012 • Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organisation, “Bulletin PISM no. 68 (401),“ Polish Institute of International Affairs (with J. Ćwiek-Karpowicz)
  • 2011 • Poland’s EU Presidency in the Shadow of Eurozone Crisis, Carnegie Moscow Center
  • 2011 • The Polish-German Tandem, Carnegie Moscow Center

Conferences and seminars

  • 2022 • New Perspective on Elite’s Change and (Re)production: Insights from a Study of Members of Governments in Poland after 1989, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Chicago, 10-13 November, 2022.
  • 2022 • Od Wallerstein’a do Rothschild’a: Nagły zanik polskiej szkoły teorii zależności po 1989 r. jako przejaw głębszych przemian w globalnym polu nauk społecznych, XVIII Zjazd Socjologiczny [Polish Sociological Congress], Warsaw, 14-17 September 2022.
  • 2022 • The Polish Executive: Social Background, Careers and Resources of its Members, New Challenges in Field Theory Conference, University of Strasbourg, 9-10 June 2022.
  • 2021 • The Inconveniences of Putting on “Western Suits”: Europeanization at the EU’s Peripheries and the Case of Poland’s Eastern Policy, ECPR Joint Sessions Virtual Event, 17 – 28 May 2021.
  • 2021 • Is There a “Populist” Ruling Elite? Insights from Poland, The annual conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, 5-8 May, 2021 (on Zoom) (co-authored with Valentin Behr).
  • 2020 • Social Topography of Public Debates: The Polish Space of Opinion on Russia, Séminaire Général de SAGE, University of Strasburg, 11 December 2020.
  • 2019 • Dem Westen begegnen und für Wandel sorgen. Akademische Mobilitätsprogramme zwischen der Bundesrepublik und dem östlichen Europa in der Zeit des Kalten Krieges Vortrag, ZIP- Forschungskolloquium an der Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), 7 November 2019.
  • 2019 • The Polish Space of Opinion on Russia: Origins and Structures, Poland 1989: Negotiations, (Re)Constructions, Interpretations, Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien, Halle 23-25 October 2019; also presented at:
  • 2019 • 17. Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny [17th Polish Sociological Congress], Wrocław, 11-14 2019.
  • 2019 • 14th European Sociological Association Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August 2019.
  • 2018 • Polish Studies Center’s Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, 12 October 2018.
  • 2019 • Polish Space of Opinion on Russia and Eastern Policy, 4th Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, Tartu, 9–11 June 2019.
  • 2018 • Illiberal or ani-core? Poland’s conservative camp’s discourses on foreign policy from the core-periphery perspective, ISA Midwest Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 16 – 17 November 2018.
  • 2018 • Polish Intelligentsia Totems in Elites’ Struggles for Legitimization: The Case of Jerzy Giedroyc, The 2018 Central Slavic Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 19-21 October 2018.
  • 2018 • The Polish space of opinion on Russia and Eastern policy  theoretical assumptions and initial results, seminar in at the Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg, 15 February 2018.
  • 2016 • Revisiting Polish-Russian Relations from the World-Systems Perspective, First Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, Tartu, 12-14 June, 2016.