Kierowniczka Ośrodka Badań Psychologicznych / Head of the Centre for Psychological Research social and political psychology, intergroup relations, urban studies, and new technologies (especially, AI and human – robot interaction) Assistant Professor at the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland. She received a PhD with honors from the Faculty of Psychology, at the University of Warsaw based on research conducted in Jerusalem about consequences of collective memory for present intergroup attitudes. She holds MA Diplomas in psychology and cultural studies from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. She visited the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations at Utrecht University as a pre-doctoral research fellow. She was a principal investigator of the Preludium and Etiuda Grants funded by the Polish National Science Centre. In 2021 she received a distinction from the Rector of the University of Warsaw for scientific achievements. E-mail:
Stanowisko / Position:
Członkini zespołu / Member of the Civil City Lab badawcze / Research interests:
Publikacje / Publications:
Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T. (2021). Too attached to let others in? The role of different types of place attachment in predicting intergroup attitudes in a conflict setting Journal of Environmental Psychology, 75.
Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T., Toruńczyk-Ruiz, S., Lewicka, M. (2021). The way we perceive a place implies who can live there: Essentialisation of place and attitudes towards diversity. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 75.
- Wnuk, A., Oleksy T., (2021) Place attachment and acceptance of smart city technologies, Proceedings of 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
- Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T., & Maison, D. (2020). The acceptance of Covid-19 tracking technologies: The role of perceived threat, lack of control, and ideological beliefs. PloS one, 15(9), e0238973.
- Oleksy, T., Wnuk, A., Maison, D., & Łyś, A. (2020). Content matters. Different predictors and social consequences of general and government-related conspiracy theories on COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110289.
- Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T., & Toruńczyk-Ruiz, S. (2019). A cognitively-gated place? The role of need for closure in a biased perception of the place’s past. Current Psychology, 1-12.
- Prusik, M., Oleksy, T., Wnuk, A., & Kula, A. M. (2019). Attitudes towards places associated with communism: The role of place attachment and interest in place history.
Social Psychological Bulletin, 14. - Lewicka, M., Rowiński, K., Iwańczak, B., Bałaj, B., Kula, A. M., Oleksy, T., …& Wnuk, A. (2019). On the essentialism of places: Between conservative and progressive meanings.
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65. - Oleksy, T., & Wnuk, A. (2017). Catch them all and increase your place attachment! The role of location-based augmented reality games in changing people-place relations.
Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 3-8. - Oleksy, T., & Wnuk, A. (2016). Augmented places: An impact of embodied historical experience on attitudes towards places. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 11-16.
- Wnuk, A. (2011). Symbolika miejsca jako czynnik konstytuujący przywiązanie do miasta: Kazus Jerozolimy. Zachowanie, Środowisko, Architektura, 5, 47-53.
- Pankalla, A., & Wnuk, A. (2010). Psychologia (trans)kulturowa naszych czasów. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 30, 9-23.
- Wnuk, A. (2010) Memory in the City: Comparing Historically Jewish Spaces in Berlin. In: M. Jones, B. Jungius, M. Tömösváryová, O.Daniel (Eds.) European City Seminars publication. Praga: Multicultural Center Prague
Konferencje / Conferences:
- Wnuk, A., Oleksy T. (2019). Place attachment, autochthony beliefs, and intergroup attitudes in a conflict setting: The case of Jerusalem. Referat. 42 nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Wnuk A., Lewicka M. (2018). Be active and discover diversity! The role of place attachment in shaping intergroup attitudes. Referat. Conference of the International Association People-Environment Studies, Rome, Italy.
- Wnuk A., Oleksy, T. (2018). Catch them all and increase your place attachment! The role of Pokémon Go − a location-based augmented reality game in changing people – place relation. Referat. Conference of the International Association People-Environment Studies, Rome, Italy.
- Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T., Toruńczyk-Ruiz, S., Lewicka, M., Prusik, M., Kula, A. (2016). Preferred meaning of place is related to intergroup attitudes and openness to a multicultural city. Referat. 39 th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Warsaw
- Wnuk, A., Lewicka, M., Oleksy, T. (2016). Place memory and urban conflict. A case study of Jerusalem. Poster. 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Warsaw
- Wnuk, A., Lewicka, M., Oleksy, T. (2016). Public space of the contested city – a shared space? Referat. ESA Research Network 37 – Urban Sociology – Midterm Conference, Kraków
- Wnuk, A., Oleksy T. (2016). Augmented reality technology as a tool of reducing memory- related ethnic bias. Referat. ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
- Wnuk, A. (2015). Belonging in the contested city of Jerusalem. Referat. Międzynarodowa konferencja “Biographies of Belonging” Vrije Universitat, Amsterdam,