Head ISS UW side
prof. dr hab. R. Siemienska-Zochowska siemiens@post.pl coordinates World Values Study WVS in Poland
Team ISS UW side:
dr hab. Anna Domaradzka anna.domaradzka@uw.edu.pl
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Zarycki t.zarycki@uw.edu.pl
dr Tomasz Jerzyński tomasz.jerzynski@uw.edu.pl
dr Marcin Zieliński Marcin.Zielinski@uw.edu.pl
Head Department of Sociology UW side
dr hab. Jerzy Bartkowski, prof. UW BartkowskiJ@is.uw.edu.pl coordinates European Values Survey EVS in Poland
Team Dept. of Sociology UW side:
dr Joanna Konieczna-Sałamatin,
prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Kania
ul. Stawki 5/7,
00-183 Warszawa, Poland
tel. +48 22 8315153
Information about Inter-Institute Laboratory for Comparative Value Systems Research UW
World Values Study and European Values Study are both international studies programs covering over 45 countries in EVS, and over 85 countries in WVS. Both projects have well-established positions in sociology and political science as a place of conceptualization of many basic concepts in both areas, covering a wide range of problems regarding value systems, politics, work, religion, everyday life, upbringing, family, roles of women and men, attitude to “other” etc. Repeated at several years intervals, conducted on representative national samples, are an excellent source for studying the stability and variability of the systems of values, attitudes and aspirations of residents of different countries, regions and continents.
In connection with the research conducted in Poland since the beginning of the 90s as part of the World Values Survey (under the supervision of Professor R. Siemieńska-Żochowska at the Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw) and European Values Survey (under the supervision of Prof. A. Jasińska-Kania at the Department of Sociology of the University of Warsaw) in May 21, 2012, an Inter-faculty Comparative Studies Laboratory on Value Systems, the Department of Sociology and the Institute for Social Studies of the University of Warsaw was created. Its work is coordinated by people who have been involved in WVS and EVS research so far. The Laboratory is coordinated by prof. Renata Siemieńska-Żochowska and dr hab. Anna Domaradzka from the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies and prof. Jerzy Bartkowski from the Department of Sociology. The people who are main collaborators of the above-mentioned Lab are prof. Tomasz Zarycki, dr Tomasz Jerzyński and dr Marcin Zieliński from ISS and dr hab. Joanna Konieczna-Sałamatin from Department of Sociology UW who have been participating in these studies for many years and have relevant experience in cooperation with international teams WVS and EVS.
Of course, the circle of existing collaborators is much broader, as evidenced by the publications in which these data sets were used. In the future, we hope for further engagement both teams in conducting joint research, as well as on the growing participation of other academic staff, doctoral students and students of both institutions and University of Warsaw in general. The creation of the above-mentioned laboratory will facilitate future joint efforts to finance the continuation of research and analytical work related to both projects, facilitate the organisation of joint conferences, seminars and summer schools with domestic and foreign participants.
The World Values Survey is the largest non-commercial study that has made it possible to track changes in attitudes and values in 120 countries (94.5% of the world’s population) over the past 40 years. The Robert Zajonc Institute of Social Studies at the University of Warsaw is the coordinating center in Poland for this prestigious and globally unique research program, under the direction of Prof. Renata Siemieńska-Żochowska (member of the WVS Scientific Advisory Committee), in cooperation with Dr. Anna Domaradzka, Director of ISS.
Our team has been conducting the World Values Survey since 1990, at regular intervals of 6-7 years. So far, 5 editions of the WVS have been carried out in Poland: in 1990, 1997, 2005, 2012 and 2017. In addition, in 2020, in cooperation with part of the WVS consortium, the related Values in Crisis survey was conducted online. Another edition of the main WVS survey is currently planned, which will enable extensive analyses of social trends over time, as well as cross-country comparisons. https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/wvs.jsp