Anna Domaradzka

dr hab. Anna Domaradzka-Widła


Dyrektor ISS / ISS Director
Adiunkt / Assistant Professor

Social researcher with 20 years of experience, head of the Civil City Lab, specializing in
intersectional and international comparative research in the areas of civil society and
social movements, urban sociology, gender studies, and digital sociology. She led or co-
led several international projects concerning urban cohesion, civil society, social
entrepreneurship and welfare state issues, as well as gender and social equality in public
and private sphere. Since 2020 she is UNESCO Chair in Women, Society and
Development at University of Warsaw.


Civil society, social movements, urban movements, urban sociology, gender sociology, sociology of science and education CV


  • VI 2023 Associate Professorship (habilitation), Institute of Sociology, University of
    Warsaw (with distinction)
  • 2003-2008 PhD in sociology (cum laude), Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
  • 1998-2003 MA in sociology (cum laude), Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
  • IX 2007 Salzburg Seminar Session 447 “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Politics and Business” Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria
  • IX 2006 Salzburg Seminar Session 433 “Women, Power and Next Generation Leadership” Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria
  • VII-VIII 2004 and VII-VIII 2005 Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research ICPSR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA


  • Board member of International Society of Third Sector Research (ISTR) (since 2017)
  • Member of “Voluntas” editorial board (since 2016)
  • Board member of Research Committee on Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC48) of International Sociological Association
  • Member of Scientific Committees: of ISTR Conference 2016, ISA Forum on Social Movements 2016, ISA RC48 Mid-term Conference 2017.
  • Member of PhD-Network on the Third Sector and Civil Society, now ISTR PhD network


Since 2005 – Member of Polish World Values Survey team (PI prof. Renata Siemieńska), Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2020-2024 – Polish team PI in Horizon2020 project “Integrated NBS-based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-being of Citizens: the euPOLIS Approach

2019-2022 – Polish team PI in Horizon2020 project “SOPs4RI – Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity”, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2019-2020 – Lead expert in the process of creating Warsaw Strategy for Solving Social Problems for City of Warsaw.

2018-2023 – Member of Advisory Board of research project “Civil Society Elites? Comparing elite composition, reproduction, integration and contestation in European civil societies”, conducted at Lund University.

X-XI 2018 – Profesora Visitante de Investigacion, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

VI and XI 2018 – Visiting Professor, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

2017-2020 – Polish team PI in Horizon2020 project “CLIC – Circular Models Leveraging Investments in Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse”, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

X-XII 2016 – Profesora Visitante de Investigacion, INCAE Business School, Instituto Centroamericano de Administracion de Empresas, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

2015-2019 – Member of Scientific Board of the “Religious Communities and Civil Society in Europe” project, coordinated by Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society (Berlin), financed by Porticus Foundation.

2015-2018 – Polish team PI and WP1 coordinator in Horizon2020 project “FAB-MOVE – For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprise on the Move” financed in the framework of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2015-2018 – Lead expert on social issues in the process of creating the new Warsaw Development Strategy 2030 for City of Warsaw Office ( )

2015 – Expert researcher in project “Warsaw Local Centres”, coordinated by Warsaw Charter of Association of Polish Architects, financed by the City of Warsaw Office.

2014 – PI in project “Mapping Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe”, coordinated by Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society (Berlin), financed by Porticus Foundation.

2013-2016 – Expert, member of the research team conducting the international project GendEQU „Gender Equality at the University”, financed from Norway Grant, Faculty of Economics &  Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2013/2014 and 2007/2008 – Member of the scientific team conducting the international project “Future of European Welfare Systems” (analysis of Polish welfare system, preparation of the handbook chapter).

2011 – Expert in the project “ENRI-East – Interplay of European, National and Regional Identities: nations between states along the new eastern borders of the European Union”, 7th Framework Program.

2010-2014 – Expert, member of the research team conducting the international project “WILCO – Welfare Innovations at the Local level in favour of Cohesion”, 7th Framework Program, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2010-2011 – Expert in international project “WORKCARE Synergies – Findings from EU research”, financed from 7th Framework Program.

2009-2014 – Expert, member of the research team conducting the project “Ministerstwa uczace sie” [Ministries learning] (methodology, qualitative interviews, reports, publications), EUROREG, University of Warsaw.

2009 – Expert in international project “EFELSE – Evaluation Framework for the Evolution of LLL Strategies in Europe”, LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007-2013.

2007-2009 – Member of the scientific team conducting the international CINEFOGO WP27 project “Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) facing turbulent environments” (analysis concerning Polish sport organizations).

2007/2008 – Participation in UNDP project Gender Index (data analysis and reports preparation).

2006-2009 – Member of the polish research team in WORKCARE project, 6th Framework Program.


2019-2023 – Research Grant SONATA BIS financed by National Science Center “Right to the smart city: the impact of new technologies on quality of life, social relations and urban policy” (Prawo do inteligentnego miasta: wpływ nowych technologii na jakość życia, relacje społeczne i politykę miejską) – PI.

I-IV 2017 – Kosciuszko Foundation Grant for research project “Keys to the City: Introducing Livability into Urban Development Strategies” at San Diego State University, CA.

IV 2016 – Short Term Scientific Mission grant for visit at Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, COST Action: IS1409 STSM “Gender and health impact of civil society engagement in context of extending working life policies” (ECOST-STSM-IS1409-040416-071120)

2015-2017 – Research Grant OPUS, financed by National Science Center “Towards Behavioral Analysis of Public Interventions. Verification of Interdisciplinary Research Approach” (Ku behawioralnym analizom interwencji publicznych. Weryfikacja interdyscyplinarnej metodyki badań) – Second Investigator (PI: dr Karol Olejniczak)

2014-2017 – Research Grant SONATA financed by National Science Center (NCN), „City revival – from urban planning to grassroots initiatives” (Ożywianie miasta – od urbanistyki do inicjatyw oddolnych)

2011/2012 – Senior Fulbright Research Grant „Urban space as a context of neighbourhood civic activities influencing quality of life of inhabitants.” Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

2010-2014 – Special Research Grant financed by National Science Center for realisation of international project “The development of civil society in Poland: social engagement and its conditions in Poland from the intercultural perspective. Continuation of World Values Survey” – Second Investigator (PI: prof. Renata Siemienska)

2009-2014 – Research Grant financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education „Tamed city? Warsaw enclaves of social activism and their origins“ (Miasto oswojone? Warszawskie enklawy społecznej aktywności i ich geneza).

2009-2012 – Research Grant financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education: “Autotelic and instrumental value of doctoral studies in the opinion of PhD students and graduates” (Wartość autoteliczna i instrumentalna studiów doktoranckich w opinii doktorantów i absolwentów) – Second Investigator (PI: dr Dominka Walczak)


Domaradzka, A., Biesaga, M., Roszczynska-Kurasinska, M., & Domaradzka, E. (2024). Challenges and Future Directions for Integrating Healthcare Wearable Sensors into Smart Cities and Communities. In Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M., Domaradzka, A., O’Grady, M., Bedessem, B., Tempini, N., Trochymiak, M., & Wróblewska, N. (2023). Beyond Data: Recognizing the Democratic Potential of Citizen Science. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 42(4), 47-56. Solarek, K., Domaradzka, A., & Zdunek-Wielgołaska, J. (2023). Changing approaches to green infrastructure design: from modernism to the future: Warsaw case study. Urban Design International, 28(3), 202-219.
Domaradzka, A., Hamel, P. (2024) (eds). Handbook of Urban Social Movements. Edward Elgar. Oleksy, T., Wnuk, A., Domaradzka, A., & Maison, D. (2023). What shapes our attitudes towards algorithms in urban governance? The role of perceived friendliness and controllability of the city, and human-algorithm cooperation. Computers in Human Behavior, 142, 107653.
Domaradzka, A. (2023). Craft breweries and gentrification in: J. Wartell, V. Vasquez (eds). Craft Breweries and Cities Perspectives from the Field. Routledge.
Domaradzka, A., Kołodziejczyk, M. (2023). Polish civil society 2015-2022: steered from the top, reclaimed from the grassroots, in: European Civil Society Observatory, Berlin: Maecenata Stiftung.
Biesaga, M., Domaradzka, A., Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M., Talaga, S., & Nowak, A. (2023). The effect of the pandemic on European narratives on smart cities and surveillance. Urban Studies, 60(10), 1894-1914.
Domaradzka, A., Biesaga, M., Domaradzka, E., & Kołodziejczyk, M. (2022). The Civil City Framework for the Implementation of Nature-Based Smart Innovations: Right to a Healthy City Perspective. Sustainability, 14(16), 9887.
Domaradzka, A. (2022). From local to digital and back: e-resourcefulness of urban movements in Poland, in: L. Kings, Z. Kravchenko & K. Jezierska (Eds.), Resourceful civil society? Adaptation, negotiation and contestation of the reconfigured civil society space. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Horbach, S. P., Bouter, L. M., Gaskell, G., Hiney, M., Kavouras, P., Mejlgaard, N. Domaradzka, A., … Tijdink, J. K. (2022). Designing and implementing a research integrity promotion plan: Recommendations for research funders. PLoS Biology, 20(8), e3001773.
Rychwalska, A., Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M., Domaradzka, A. (2022). Right to Privacy in the Context of the Privacy Paradox and Data Collection Patterns: Exploratory Study of Polish Facebook Users. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Domaradzka, A. (2021). Klucze do miasta. Ruchy miejskie jako aktorzy w polu polityki miejskiej [Keys to the city. Urban movements as actors in urban policy field], Warsaw: Scholar.
Gidron, B., Domaradzka, A. (eds) (2021). The New Social and Impact Economy: An International Perspective, Springer. Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T., Domaradzka, A. (2021). Prosociality and endorsement of liberty: Communal and individual predictors of attitudes towards surveillance technologies, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 125, 106938,
Domaradzka, A., Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M. (2021). Introduction to the Minitrack on The Impact of ICT on Citizens’ Well-being and the Right to the City, in: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M., Domaradzka, A., Wnuk, A., Oleksy, T. (2021). Intrinsic Value and Perceived Essentialism of Culture Heritage Sites as Tools for Planning Interventions, Sustainability, 13(9), 5078,
Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M., Domaradzka, A., Ślosarski, B., Żbikowska, A. (2021). Facebook Data as part of Cultural Heritage Investments Toolbox: Pilot Analysis of Users Interests and Preferences concerning Adaptive Reuse. Sustainability, 13(4), 2410;
Mejlgaard, N., Bouter, L.M., Gaskell, G., Kavouras, P., Allum, N., Bendtsen, A.-K., Charitidis, C.A., Claesen, N., Dierickx, K., Domaradzka, A., Reyes Elizondo, A., …, Veltri, G.A. (2020). Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk, Nature, vol. 586, number 7829, 358-360.
Siemienska, R., Domaradzka, A. (2020). Politics of welfare. The Polish welfare system in the first decades of the 21 st century, in: S. Blum, J. Kuhlmann, K. Schubert (eds) Routledge Handbook of European Welfare Systems, Routledge.
Domaradzka, A. (2020). Religious communities in the shadow of populist politics, in: Religious Communities and Civil Society in Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on a Complex Interplay, Volume II, 183-202. Olejniczak, K., S. Borkowska-Waszak, A. Domaradzka, Y. Park (2020). Policy labs: the next frontier of policy design and evaluation? Policy & Politics, ISSN 0305-5736.

Domaradzka, A., F. Wijkström (2019). Urban challengers weaving their networks: between the ‘right to housing’ and the ‘right to the city’, Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1657561.
Olejniczak, K., S. Borkowska-Waszak, A. Domaradzka-Widla, Y. Park (2019). Policy labs: the next frontier of policy design and evaluation? Policy & Politics, ISSN 0305-5736.
Domaradzka, A. (2019). Żagiel czy kotwica? Wpływ płci i sytuacji rodzinnej na przebieg studiów doktoranckich [Sail or Anchor? Impact of Gender and Family Situation on PhD Studies], in: R. Siemienska (ed.) Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn. Różne czy podobne? [Academic Careers of Women and Men – Different or Similar?], Scholar, 291-309.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2019). Wnioskodawcy i beneficjenci – zróżnicowanie współczynnika sukcesu w pozyskiwaniu środków na badania naukowe w Polsce [Applicants and Beneficiaries – Differences in Success Factor in Obtaining Grants for Research in Poland], in: R. Siemienska (ed.) Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn. Różne czy podobne? [Academic Careers of Women and Men – Different or Similar?], Scholar.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2019). System alokacji grantów a nierówność w nauce – spojrzenie eksperckie i instytucjonalne [Grant Allocation System vs. Inequalities in Science – Expert and Institutional View], in: R. Siemienska (ed.) Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn. Różne czy podobne? [Academic Careers of Women and Men – Different or Similar?], Scholar.
Domaradzka, A. (2019). The un-equal playground: developers and urban activists struggling for the right to the city, Geoforum, available online 16 February 2019.
Domaradzka, A. (2018). Urban Social Movements and the Right to the City: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Urban Mobilization, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol. 29, Issue 4, 607–620.
Domaradzka, A. (2018). Livable or lovable? Framing the revitalization projects in Warsaw, Poland, in R. Caves and F. Wagner (eds) Livable Cities from a Global Perspective. Routledge, 79-92.
Domaradzka, A. (2017). Leveling the Playfield: Urban Movement in the Strategic Action Field of Urban Policy in Poland, in J. Hou, S. Knierbein (eds) City Unsilenced: Urban Resistance and Public Space in the Age of Shrinking Democracy. Routledge, 106-118.
Domaradzka, A., Ł. Widła-Domaradzki (2017). Finansowanie niepublicznych szkół wyższych w Polsce i na świecie w kontekście kryzysów ekonomicznego i demograficznego [Financing of Private Universities in Poland and Worldwide, in the Context of Economic and Demographic Crises], in R. Siemieńska (ed) Uniwersytety, naukowcy, studenci w zglobalizowanym świecie. Wybrane zagadnienia [Universities, Scholars, Students in a Globalising World], Scholar, 101-122.
Domaradzka, A., Kavelashvili, N., Markus, E., Sälhoff, P., Skóra, M., Maecenata Institut für Philanthropie ind Zivilgesellschaft (eds) (2016): A Shrinking Space for Civil Society? A Conference on Civil Society and Europe’s Political Culture: Wrocław, Poland, October 2016. München, 2016 (Europa Bottom-Up 15)
Domaradzka, A. (2016). Mapping Civil Society in the Visegrád Countries, in A. Domaradzka, N. Kavelashvili, E. Markus, P. Sälhoff, M. Skóra, Maecenata Institut (eds) A Shrinking Space for Civil Society? München, Europa Bottom-Up 15, 23-32.
Domaradzka, A., F. Wijkström (2016). Game of the city re-negotiated: the Polish urban re-generation movement as an emerging actor of a strategic action field, “Polish Sociological Review” 3/2016, 291-308.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2016). Warsaw: Paving New Ways for Participation of Mothers, Fathers, and Children in Local Public and Social Life, in T. Brandsen et al. (eds), Social Innovations in the Urban Context, Springer, 181-189.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka (2016). Between Constrained Opportunities and Social Expectations: Social Policy in Contemporary Poland. In: K. Schubert, P. de Villota, J. Kuhlmann (eds) Challenges of European Welfare Systems. Springer, 563-586.
Domaradzka, A. (2015). State of civil society in Poland, in: Ch. Schreier (ed.) Mapping Civil Society in the ‘Visegrád Countries’. Berlin: Maecenata Institute, 109-142.
Domaradzka, A. (2015). Changing the Rules of the Game: Impact of the Urban Movement on the Public Administration Practices. In: M. Freise, F. Paulsen and A. Walter (eds) Civil Society and Innovative Public Administration. Nomos, 188-217.
Domaradzka, A., I. Matysiak (2015). Pushing for innovation – the role of citizens in local housing and childcare policies in Warsaw. In: M. Freise, F. Paulsen and A. Walter (eds) Civil Society and Innovative Public Administration. Nomos, 302-324.
Domaradzka, A. (2014). Data sources and literature on civil society in Poland. In: A. Domaradzka, E. Markus, M. Pospisil, B. Strecansky, M. Szabo, Civil Society in the ‘Visegrád Four’. Data and Literature in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Berlin: Maecenata Institute.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2014). Warsaw. In: A. Evers, B. Ewert and T. Brandsen (eds) Social Innovations for Social Cohesion. Transnational patterns and approaches from 20 European cities, 243-261, ISBN: 978-2-930773-00-1.
Olejniczak, K., J. Rok, Ł. Widła, A. Domaradzka (2014). Discovering the learning mechanism. In: K. Olejniczak, S. Mazur (eds) Organizational Learning. A Framework for Public Administration. Warsaw: Scholar. ISBN 978-83-7383-724-9.
Domaradzka, A., D. Walczak (2013). Wartość autoteliczna czy instrumentalna? Rola studiów doktoranckich w opinii kierowników studiów i doktorantów. [Autotelic or instrumental? The role of PhD Studies in the opinion of PhD students and graduates] „Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe” no. 2/42/2013, 73-94.
Domaradzka, A., D. Walczak (2013). Kuźnia talentów czy przechowalnia? Rola studiów doktoranckich w opinii doktorantów [Place for Honing Talents or a Waiting Room? The role of PhD studies]. In: J. Pakuła (ed.) Współczesne problemy nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Toruń: Eikon, 65-74.
Domaradzka, A. (2010). Panem et Circenses? Sport Organizations in Poland from Historical and Political Perspectives. In: A. Zimmer, A. Evers (eds) Third Society Organizations Facing Turbulent Environments: Sports, Culture and Social Services in Five European Countries, Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishers, 127-142.
Domaradzka, A. (2010). Filling the Gaps? The Role of Civil Society on the Individual Level: The Case of Polish Women’s Organizations. In: M. Freise, M. Pyykkönen, E. Vaidelyte (eds) A Panacea for all Seasons? Civil Society and Governance in Europe, Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishers, 287-303.
Domaradzka, A. (2010). Aktywni inaczej? Przyczyny (nie)aktywnosci społecznej Polaków [Differently active? Reasons for Poles social (in)activity]. In: R. Siemieńska, P. Radkiewicz (eds) Spoleczenstwo w czasach zmiany: badania Polskiego Generalnego Sondazu Spolecznego 1992-2009, Warszawa: Scholar, 163-177.
Domaradzka, A. (2009). Cure for Loneliness? Social Activity and Its Role in Changing European Societies. In: N. Tos, K. H. Müller et al. (eds) Three Roads to Comparative Research: Analytical, Visual, Morphological, Wien: edition echoraum, 99-123.
Domaradzka, A. (2009). Cena równości – partnerstwo wywalczone czy kupione? [Price of equality – partnership fought or bought]. In: M. Zahorska, E. Nasalska (red.) Wartości – polityka – społeczeństwo, Warszawa: Scholar, 203-220.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka (2009). The welfare system in Poland: transformation with difficulties. In: K. Schubert, S. Hegelich, U. Bazant (eds) The Handbook of European Welfare Systems. New York: Routledge, 378-397.


Siemieńska, R, I. Matysiak, A. Domaradzka, A. Vabø (2016). Expectations and satisfaction levels of Polish and Norwegian PhD graduates regarding the utility of their doctoral programmes in the labour market. NIFU Working Paper 2016:20,

Siemieńska, R., A, Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2013). Urban policy innovations in local welfare in Warsaw, Poland. WILCO publication,

Siemieńska, R., A, Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2013). Social innovations in Warsaw, Poland, WILCO Publication

Siemieńska, R., A, Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2012). Measures of social cohesion in Polish cities: Warsaw, WILCO Publication no. 31:

Siemieńska, R., A, Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2011). Local welfare in Poland from a historical and institutional perspective, WILCO Publication no. 09:

Domaradzka, A., I. Matysiak (2012). The Ukrainian minority in Poland: Main findings of biographical interviews, w: H.G. Heinrich, A. Chvorostov (eds.) The Ukrainian minority in Poland. Contextual and empirical reports on ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. ENRI Project.

Domaradzka, A., I. Matysiak (2012). The Ukrainian minority in Poland: Main findings of expert interviews, w: H.G. Heinrich, A. Chvorostov (eds.) The Ukrainian minority in Poland. Contextual and empirical reports on ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. ENRI Project.

Widła, Ł, A. Domaradzka (2012). The Ukrainian minority in Poland: Main findings of the ENRI-VIS Survey, w: H.G. Heinrich, A. Chvorostov (eds.) The Ukrainian minority in Poland. Contextual and empirical reports on ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. ENRI Project.

Widła, Ł, A. Domaradzka (2012). The Belarusian minority in Poland: Main findings of the ENRI-VIS Survey, w: H.G. Heinrich, A. Chvorostov (eds.) The Belarusian minority in Poland. Contextual and empirical reports on ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. ENRI Project.

Matysiak, I., A. Domaradzka (2012). The Belarusian minority in Poland: Main findings of biographical interviews, w: H.G. Heinrich, A. Chvorostov (eds.) The Belarusian minority in Poland. Contextual and empirical reports on ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. ENRI Project.

Matysiak, I., A. Domaradzka (2012). The Belarusian minority in Poland: Main findings of expert interviews, w: H.G. Heinrich, A. Chvorostov (eds.) The Belarusian minority in Poland. Contextual and empirical reports on ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. ENRI Project.