In connection with the introduction of an epidemic emergency on 13 March 2020, work ar the ISS is carried out remotely. The building at 5/7 Stawki Street is closed until further notice. Detailed information about the work of the University of Warsaw during this period is provided in the Rector’s order:
Conference “Politics of Symbolization Across Central and Eastern Europe” 6-7 April 2020 (CANCELED)
ISS, the Institute of Sociology and Centre de Civilisation Francaise et d’Etudes Francophones aupres de l`Universite de Varsovie invite you to participate in the International Conference „Politics of Symbolization Across Central and Eastern Europe”, April 6-7, 2020, University of Warsaw Library. More information Program THE CONFERENCE WILL BE POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE
10th edition of the City Health Conference – in partnership with UW 9-10 June 2020 (CONFERENCE CANCELED)
We are pleased to announce that the University of Warsaw will be a partner of the 10th edition of the City Health Conference, which will take place 9 in Warsaw, Poland, June 9-10, 2020. The event examines current policy and practice in relation to public health and health behaviours in cities. More information including rules of abstracts submission (until Feb. 29) to be found here. CONFERENCE IS CANCELED (most probably […]
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu na stanowisko doktorant stypendysta
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Komisja Stypendialna powołana przez Prorektora ds. naukowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, dr hab. Macieja Duszczyka, po rozstrzygnięciu otwartego konkursu na stanowisko doktorant stypendysta w projekcie badawczym Narodowego Centrum Nauki SONANA BIS 8 pt. „Prawo do inteligentnego miasta: wpływ nowych technologii na jakość życia, relacje społeczne i […]
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu na stanowisko adiunkta (stanowisko badawcze)
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Komisja Konkursowa powołana przez Prorektora ds. naukowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, dr hab. Macieja Duszczyka, po rozstrzygnięciu otwartego konkursu na stanowisko adiunkta w projekcie badawczym Narodowego Centrum Nauki SONANA BIS 8 pt. „Prawo do inteligentnego miasta: wpływ nowych technologii na jakość życia, relacje społeczne i politykę […]
ISS coordinated project “”Social Space, Fields and Relationality (SSFR) in Contemporary and Historical Social Analysis” begins
From 1 December 2019 a project financed by the academic exchange agency NAWA, entitled “Social Space, Fields and Relationality (SSFR) in Contemporary and Historical Social Analysis. Research Network” begins. The project is being implemented at ISS UW in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of UW in partnership with 5 research centres from France, Italy, Norway and Germany. Detailed information is available at the link.
Agata Zysiak otrzymała stypendium MNiSW dla młodych naukowców
Congratulations to Agata Zysiak from ISS on receiving the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for exceptionally talented young scientists. Find out more at:
József Böröcz’s talk: “Post-Colonial Sensibility and the Post-State-Socialist Context”
ISS invites you to a lecture by József Böröcz (Professor of Sociology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Fulbright Visiting Professor at ISS, University of Warsaw) “Post-Colonial Sensibility and the Post-State-Socialist Context: Considerations for World-Systems Aynalysts, Global Comparativists, and Other Critical World-Historical Sociologists” Discussants: Anna Sosnowska, American Studies Center, University of Warsaw and ISS UW Tomasz Warczok, Pedagogical University of Cracow and ISS UW. Tomasz Zarycki, ISS UW. […]
Oferta stypendialna dla doktoranta
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Oferta stypendialna dla doktoranta w projekcie badawczym SONATA BIS „Prawo do inteligentnego miasta: wpływ nowych technologii na jakość życia, relacje społeczne i politykę miejską” finansowanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki Czytaj: Ogłoszenie doktorant SONATA_BIS
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Polecamy materiał z cyklu “Równoważni”. Tematem filmu jest dyskryminacja ze względu na wiek. Nasza ekspertka, dr Anna Cybulko, Ombudsman UW, tłumaczy, czym jest to zjawisko, podaje przykłady tego rodzaju dyskryminacji oraz przypomina, gdzie na UW warto szukać pomocy w takich sytuacjach.