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ISS to coordinate a research network supported by a NAWA grant
The ISS will coordinate the project received by the University of Warsaw from the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the Academic International Partnerships program. The funds from the Academic International Partnerships programme will be used to build a research network consisting of research units from France (EHESS in Paris and the University of Strasbourg), Germany (University of Bonn), Norway (University of Oslo), Italy (University of Bologna) and […]
Book “”Working Wonders: How to Make the Impossible” by Ryszard Praszkier
Ryszard Praszkier‘s book “Working Wonders: How to Make the Impossible” has been just published by the Cambridge University Press. Congratulations Ryszard! More: www.cambridge.org/workingwonders
Conference invitation “”EQUAL BEFORE THE STATE?” Sept. 20, 2019.
ISS with Center for French Cultural Studies, University of Warsaw (OKFiSF UW) and Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw (IS UW) invite you to participate in the French-Polish Conference: “EQUAL BEFORE THE STATE? CRITICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH OF PUBLIC POLICIES AND PUBLIC ACTION” to be held on 20 September 2019 (Friday) at the University of Warsaw, ul. Dobra 55, room 3.014. Please find the program and detailed description of the conference […]
Agata Zysiak wybrana do Akademii Młodych Uczonych (AMU-PAN)
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Agata Zysiak z ISS UW została wybrana do Akademii Młodych Uczonych przez Zgromadzenie Ogólne PAN. Gratulujemy i życzymy owocnej 5-letniej kadencji! Więcej: https://forumakademickie.pl/news/wybrano-nowych-czlonkow-akademii-mlodych-uczonych-pan
Ukazała się książka “Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn: różne czy podobne?” pod red. R.Siemieńskiej
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Nakładem Wydawnictwa Naukowego Scholar ukazała się praca zbiorowa pt. “Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn: różne czy podobne?” pod redakcją prof. Renaty Siemieńskiej. Powstała ona w ramach realizowanego w ISS UW projektu badawczego Programu Polsko-Norweska Współpraca Badawcza. Więcej pod linkiem: https://scholar.com.pl/pl/3854-kariery-akademickie-kobiet-i-mezczyzn-br-rozne-czy-podobne.html
Valentin Behr otrzymał grant NCN typu OPUS
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Dr Valentin Behr otrzymał grant NCN typu OPUS na realizację w ISS projektu pt. “Polska władza wykonawcza: pochodzenie społeczne, kariery i zasoby jej przedstawicieli. Wkład do socjologii polskiego pola władzy (1988-2020)”. Gratulujemy! Więcej informacji o projekcie: https://ncn.gov.pl/…/…/2018-09-14/streszczenia/430271-pl.pdf
Seminar “”Social network and social field: Different methods, metaphors or similar relational visions of the social world?”.
ISS invites you to the seminar “Social network and social field: Different methods, metaphors or similar relational visions of the social world?”. (IN POLISH) The seminar will be held in Polish on June 7, 2019 (Friday), ul. Stawki 5/7, Warsaw, room 93 (building of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw), from 13.30-18.30. Programme Information: ISS UW iss@uw.edu.pl tel. 22 831 51 53 Event page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/350432855586988/ (we encourage […]
ISS honored Eugene Burnstein
On April 18, 2019 ISS honored University of Michigan Professor Emeritus Eugene Burnstein for his long-term support of the cooperation and exchanges between the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research (ISR) and the University of Warsaw. In honor of Dr. Burnstein and the “Eugene and Martha Burnstein University of Warsaw social sciences scholars exchange fund at the University of Michigan” a plaque commemorating his contributions has been unveiled at […]
Scholarships for ISS doctoral students
Congratulations to the ISS doctoral candidates for obtaining scholarships for study trips from ZIP UW program (http://www.zip.uw.edu.pl/wyjazdy-zagraniczne-stypendia-dla-doktorantow). In particular, Maria Babińska (going to Universität Leipzig), Dominica Bulska (going to Universität Bielefeld), Hanna Dębska (going to Brown University), Szymon Talaga (going at the University of Michigan) and Andrzej Turkowski (going to Stanford University).