CESSDA stands for Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives of which the Polish Social Data Archive (PADS) is applying for membership. The project “Repositories of Open Research Data” (DRODB) implemented by Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW (ICM) together with The Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies UW (ISS) and Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN (IFiS) since 2018 is an excellent opportunity to intensify work in […]
Result of the competition for postdoctoral position
We are pleased to inform that dr Andrzej Turkowski won the competition for the postdoctoral position at the research project: “The Polish executive: social background, careers and resources of its members. A contribution to the sociology of the Polish field of power (1988-2020)” funded by NCN OPUS.
The new leadership of three research centers at ISS
At the last Scientific Council, the candidates for new heads of three centers in our Institute were presented. As of January 1, 2021, Mikołaj Lewicki, Ph.D., Anna Wnuk, Ph.D., and Aleksandra Goldys, Ph.D., have been appointed new heads of centers at ISS. Mikołaj Lewicki, Ph.D., has been appointed head of the Center for Political Research. Anna Wnuk, Ph.D., has been appointed head of the Center for Psychological Research. Aleksandra Gołdys, […]
Książka “Zmagania na peryferiach: Elity III Rzeczypospolitej o Rosji”
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Ukazała się książka Andrzeja Turkowskiego z ISS UW pt. “Zmagania na peryferiach: Elity III Rzeczypospolitej o Rosji” poświęcona tworzeniu wiedzy na temat Rosji i innych krajów regionu w Polsce po 1989 r. Więcej na stronie wydawnictwa: https://scholar.com.pl/pl/glowna/4088-zmagania-na-peryferiachbr-elity-iii-rzeczypospolitej-o-rosji.html
Adam Gregorczyk has passed away
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of a long-time ISS employee – Adam Gregorczyk, who we will miss both as a cordial man and a kind colleague and a top-class specialist. We ask his family and loved ones to accept our condolences.
Szymon Talaga awarded NCN PRELUDIUM grant
Congratulations to Szymon Talaga (http://iss.uw.edu.pl/szymon-talaga/) from ISS on winning the PRELUDIUM grant for the project entitled “Outline of the network and geometric theory of social structure”.
Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta
Polish For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Dyrektor Instytutu Studiów Społecznych im. Profesora Roberta Zajonca Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego ogłasza KONKURS na stanowisko adiunkta (grupa pracowników badawczych) w projekcie NCN OPUS „Polska władza wykonawcza: pochodzenie społeczne, kariery i zasoby jej członków. Wkład do socjologii polskiego pola władzy (1989-2020)”
Wiktor Marzec’s book „Rising Subjects The 1905 Revolution and the Origins of Modern Polish Politics” just published
Congratulation to Wiktor Marzec on the publication of his book „Rising Subjects The 1905 Revolution and the Origins of Modern Polish Politics” which has been just published by the University of Pittsburg Press: https://upittpress.org/books/9780822946120/
Mikołaj Biesaga awarded a Polish National Science Centre (NCN) grant
We congratulate Mikołaj Biesaga on wining a National Science Center (NCN) of Poland grant entitled “Situational and cognitive determinants of the ability to produce random series”. Read more: http://iss.uw.edu.pl/en/sytuacyjne-i-poznawcze-determinanty-zdolnosci-do-tworzenia-ciagow-losowych/
Messages from the UW authorities during the coronavirus epidemic