Agata Żbikowska

Mgr Agata Żbikowska


Asystent naukowy / Research Assistant
Doktorant / PhD Candidate

Zainteresowania badawcze/research interests:

Civil Society, Youth Culture, Adolescent Culture,
Childhood Studies, Leisure Studies,
Urban Sociology, Sociology of Education


Tutoring szkolny i akademicki


2013 – 2020: Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, PhD studies
2019: Summer School of Data Analysis and Qualitative Research Methods at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow („Focus group interview (FGI)” module).
2017: Digital Research Methods Workshop, New Research on Digital Societies Group, Kozminski University
2012 – 2013: College of Health Education and Social Sciences in Łodź, postgraduate studies in pedagogy
2003 – 2006: Centre for Latin-American Studies, University of Warsaw
1999 – 2004: Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw, MA

Doświadczenie Badawcze/Work Experience:

2000 – 2002: European Union in the opinion of Radio Maryja listeners, Bachelor ethnographic qualitative research
2003 – 2004: Clubbing. An Anthropological Night Roam in Warsaw of 2003/2004, MA ethnographic qualitative research
2005 – 2006: Equal Chances evaluation programme, researcher
2014 – 2018: Social conditions of teenage leisure, PhD research
2016 – 2018: “Fab Move” For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move, research assistant
2018: Equality at Warsaw University. HR Excellence in Research Strategy, researcher
2018 – 2020: CLIC – Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse (2017-2020) [H2020], research assistant
2019: Co-production of social services in education and social welfare policy in Poland after 1989, researcher


  • ISEED – Inclusive Science and European Democracies (2021-2024), Warsaw University, Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Science, 2022-2023, qualitative researcher
  • UODI – Uniwersyteckie Obserwatorium Deinstytucjonalizacji Praktyk Pomocowych, Warsaw University, Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Science, 2022-2023, qualitative researcher 
  • Right to the smart city: the impact of new technologies on quality of life, social relations and urban policy (Prawo do inteligentnego miasta: wpływ nowych technologii na jakość życia, relacje społeczne i politykę miejską), Warsaw University, Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Science, 2019-2023, qualitative researcher
  • CLIC – Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse (2017-2020) [H2020] (Cyrkularne modele wsparcia inwestycji na rzecz ponownego wykorzystania dziedzictwa kulturowego), Warsaw University, Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Science, 2018 –2020, qualitative researcher
  •  “Fab Move” For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), Warsaw University, Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Science, 2016-2018, qualitative researcher
  • Equality on University of Warsaw (RUW – Równość na UW. Działania badawcze realizowane w ramach Strategii HR Excellence in Research), Warsaw University, 2017-2019, qualitative researcher

Lista wybranych wystąpień konferencyjnych / List of selected conference presentations:

• Kompetencje medialne polskich gimnazjalistów – czego „cyfrowi tubylcy” mogą się od nas nauczyć?, Media a edukacja. Edukacyjne zastosowania nowych mediów, Poznań 2016
• Defining Well-Being in a Local Context: Lessons from the Field and (De)Constructing Womanhood: Adolescent Personal Blogs and the Political, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada 2018
• Spatial Struggles and Third-sector Activism. Interventions, Knowledge Production and Their Outcomes, ISTR 13th International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2018
• “Można ten czas spędzić lepiej” – negocjowanie czasu wolnego nastolatków w rodzinach z klasy średniej, Dzieciństwo: projektować/ przeprojektować/ odprojektować, Poznań 2018,
• Embracing circularity. Individual factors in implementing innovation, co-authors: Roszczyńska M., Domaradzka A., Ślosarski B., Żbikowska A., Critical Issues in Science,
Technology and Society Studies, Graz 2019
• Społeczne uwarunkowania sposobów spędzania czasu wolnego przez nastolatki, XVII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Wrocław 2019
•17 ISQOLS Annual Conference, Granada 2019, Poster: The composition of well-being indexes from the perspective of basic human values, co-authors: Roszczyńska M., Domaradzka A., Ślosarski B., Żbikowska A.
• Embracing circularity in adaptive reuse – the grassroots perspective, , co-authors: Roszczyńska M., Domaradzka A., Ślosarski B., Żbikowska A., 16th EASA Biennial Conference:
New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2020

Inne funkcje/Other roles:

Member of Gender Affinity Group in International Society of Third Sector Research (ISTR).
Member of International Sociological Association (ISA).
Member of European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).


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