Mgr Szymon Talaga

Zainteresowania badawcze/research interests:
complex systems, ecological psychology, formal modeling, information theory, machine learning, network science, social networks, social structure, sociology, statistics
- 2009 – 2014. Master’s degree in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. Specialization track in environmental psychology. Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Maria Lewicka.
- Since 2017. PhD Candidate in The Robert Zajonc Intitute for Social Studies at the University of Warsaw.Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Nowak.
Prowadzone projekty / PI in projects:
- 2021-2024. Outline of a network-geometric theory of social structure. Project funded by the National Science Center (Poland) under the grant agreement number: 2020/37/N/HS6/00796).
- 2022 – 2025. Research specialist in GuestXR: A Machine Learning Agent for Social Harmony in eXtended Reality. Project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101017884).
- 2023 – 2024. Data science consultant in NODES: Narratives Observatory combatting Disinformation in Europe Systemically. Project was supported by the European Commission under grant agreement No.: CNECT/2022/5162608.
- 2019 – 2024. Research specialist in HumanE AI Network. Project was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 952026).
- March 2019 – March 2020. Investigator / fellow at the project: „Jakość w społecznościach internetowych produkujących dobra intelektualne – wpływ struktury społecznej, procedur i zaangażowania uczestników” (2017/27/B/HS6/00626; PI: dr Agnieszka Rychwalska).
- June 2018 – March 2020. Investigator at the project: “Mechanisms that Shape Social Media and their Impact on Society” ( SMART 2019/0090; PI: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Nowak). Project was a tender of European Commission.
- February 2018 – October 2018. Contractor at the project: „Wartości w społeczności Wikipedystów – opracowanie wskaźników behawioralnych” (PI: dr Agnieszka Rychwalska).
Wybrane stypendia / Selected scholarships:
- June 2019 – Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship awarded by Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan, to cover tuition fee for participation in the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research.
- Talaga, S., Stella, M., Swanson, T. J., & Teixeira, A. S. (2023). Polarization and multiscale structural balance in signed networks. Communications Physics, 6(1), 349.
- Biesaga, M., Domaradzka, A., Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, M., Talaga, S., & Nowak, A. (2023). The effect of the pandemic on European narratives on smart cities and surveillance. Urban Studies, 60(10), 1894-1914.
- Talaga, S., & Nowak, A. (2022). Structural measures of similarity and complementarity in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 16580.
- Biesaga, M., Talaga, S., & Nowak, A. (2021). The effect of context and individual differences in human‐generated randomness. Cognitive Science, 45(12), e13072.
- Jemielniak, D., Rychwalska, A., Talaga, S., & Ziembowicz, K. (2021). Wikiproject Tropical Cyclones: The most successful crowd-sourced knowledge project with near real-time coverage of extreme weather phenomena. Weather and Climate Extremes, 33, 100354.
- Teixeira, A.S., Talaga, S., Swanson, T.J. et al. Revealing semantic and emotional structure of suicide notes with cognitive network science. Sci Rep 11, 19423 (2021).
- Talaga, S. (2020). Afordancje i informacja semantyczna: propozycja formalizacji. Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies, 11(3).
- Talaga, S., Nowak, A. (2020) Homophily as a process generating social networks: insights from Social Distance Attachment model. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(2).
- Rychwalska, A., Talaga, S., and Ziembowicz, K. (2020) Quality in peer production systems–impact of assortativity of communication networks on group efficacy. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Talaga, M., Talaga, S. (2018). Do you even Zornhaw? A set-theoretic approach to HEMA reconstruction. Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 6(1).
Oprogramowanie / Software:
Nauczanie / Teaching:
- Since 2020. Information theory for cognitive sciences. Co-intructor in the course at the Cognitive Science Program (Msc), University of Warsaw, Poland.
- February 2020 – June 2020. Advanced statistical methods and models in experimental design. Instructor in the course at the Cognitive Science Program (MSc), University of Warsaw, Poland.
- November 2019 – January 2020. Advanced python for cognitive scientists. Instructor in the course at the Cognitive Science Program (MSc), University of Warsaw, Poland.
- October 2019 – January 2020. Computational Social Science: an introduction to Data Science for Psychologists. Co-instructor in the course at the Warsaw International Studies in Psychology.