Kierownik Ośrodka ds. Badań nad Społecznymi Problemami Płci Gender sociology, sociology of higher education, welfare systems, social geography siemiens(a)post.plSTANOWISKO
1991 Full Professor in sociology, University of Warsaw
1977 Habilitation in sociology, University of Warsaw
1969 PhD in sociology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
1962 MA in sociology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
1961 MA in geography, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
The Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair „Women, Society, Development”, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (since 1996)
Head of the Center of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, Institute for Social Studies, Warsaw University (affiliated to University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) (since 1996)
Professor of the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (1965-2014)
Professor and head of the Dept. of Sociology of Social Change, Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Warsaw (since 2010)
Member of the Steering Group of the Northern Dimension Institute (NDI SG) (NDI SG consists of 15-18 representatives of universities and research institutes from the EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland, as well as representatives from the Northern Dimension Partnerships) (2010-2012)
Member of the Advisory Scientific Board of the World Values Survey Association
Member of the Advisory Scientific Board of COPE: „Combating Poverty in Europe. Re‐organising Active Inclusion through Participatory and Integrated Modes of Multilevel Governance”, Coordinating Organisation: CARL VON OSSIETZKY UNIVERSITAET OLDENBURG (CETRO)
Member of the Advisory Scientific Board of GendPORT (Gender and Science), coordinator Open Catalunya University, Spain
Director of the Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw (2002-2012) (affiliated with the University of Michigan, USA)
2013-2015 – Expert, head of the WP1 and WP2 in research team conducting the international project GendEQU „Gender Equality at the University”, financed from Norway Grant, Faculty of Economics & Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
2010-2013 – Expert, head of the Polish research team in the international project WILCO „Welfare Innovations at the Local level in favour of Cohesion”, financed from 7th Framework Program, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
2007/2008 and 2013 – Member of the scientific team conducting the international project „Future of European Welfare Systems” (analysis of Polish welfare system, preparation of the handbook chapter).
Since 1988 – Head of Polish World Values Survey team, member of steering committee (coordinated by R. Inglehart – University of Michigan – USA), Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
2010-2011 – Expert, head of the Polish team taking part in international project „WORKCARE Synergies – Findings from EU research”, financed from 7th Framework Program, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
2007-2011 – Expert in project European Network of Excellence on Reconciling Work and Welfare (RECWOWE).
2009 – Expert, head of the Polish team in the international project „EFELSE – Evaluation Framework for the Evolution of LLL Strategies in Europe”, LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007-2013, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
2008 – Memeber of EC Experts’ group “Gender and Excellence”.
2007-2009 – Member of the scientific team conducting the international CINEFOGO WP27 project „Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) facing turbulent environments” (analysis concerning Polish sport organizations).
2006-2009 – Haad of the polish research team in WORKCARE project (coordination of the fieldwork, preparation of the research tools, data analysis, reports, presentations), Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
2007/2008 – Expert in UNDP project Gender Index (data analysis and reports preparation).
2005-2006 – Expert in PHARE project „Enhancement of policies on equal treatment of women and men”, the Beneficiary of the project was the Secretariat of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Status of Women and Men. EQUAL.
2000-2003 – Head of Polish team in the project in the framework of the EC Vth program, member of cross-cultural research group „Women in European Universities”.
1999 – Head of Polish research team in the study „Women in Higher Education: a Good Practice”, coordinated by CEPES – UNESCO.
1990-2004 – Head of Polish team in international Research Group on the Mechanisms of Promotion of Women to Top Leadership Positions in Public Life.
1980-1991 – Member of cross-cultural research group in project „Comparative Study on Local Governments”.
1976-1990 – Head of Polish team in Cross-cultural Research Group „Determinants of Women’s Public Participation”.
Siemieńska R. (red.) (2017). Uniwersytety, naukowcy i studenci w zglobalizowanym świecie. Wybrane zagadnienia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Siemieńska, R; Matysiak, I.; Domaradzka, A.; Vabø, A. (2017) Expectations and satisfaction levels of Polish and Norwegian PhD graduates regarding the utility of their doctoral programmes in the labour market NIFU Working Paper 2016-20,
Siemieńska,R; Jasińska J., Matysiak I., Domaradzka A., Żbikowska A. (2017) Social Enterprises in Poland (country report). Raport z badań przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu “Fab Move” For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move.
Siemienska, R. (2016). “Many Polish academics never move beyond their institutional starting points” Times Higher Education, March 2016.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka (2016). Between Constrained Opportunities and Social Expectations: Social Policy in Contemporary Poland. In: K. Schubert, P. de Villota, J. Kuhlmann (eds) Challenges of European Welfare Systems. Springer.
Siemienska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2016). Warsaw: Paving New Ways for Participation of Mothers, Fathers, and Children in Local Public and Social Life – The MaMa Foundation. In: T. Brandsen et al. (eds.) Social Innovations in the Urban Context, Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies. Springer.
Siemieńska, R; Matysiak, I.; Domaradzka, A.; Vabø, A. (2016) Expectations and satisfaction levels of Polish and Norwegian PhD graduates regarding the utility of their doctoral programmes in the labour market NIFUworkingpaper2016-20.pdf (1.192Mb) Permanent link
Siemieńska, R. (2015). Women as Owners and Senior Managers of Enterprises in Postcommunist Poland. In: H. Desivilya Syna, C.- E. Costea (eds.) Women’s Voices in Management. Identifying Innovative and Responsible Solutions. Palgrave Macmillan. 143-161.
Siemieńska, R. (2015). Building Women’s and Men’s Political Representation in Post-Communist European Countries. In: M. Vianello, M.Hawkesworth (eds.) Gender and Power. Towards Equality and Democratic Governance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 82-102.
Siemieńska, R. (2015). Duma narodowa i jej korelaty w epoce globalnej (National Pride and its Correlates in Global Era). In: K.Górniak, T. Kanasz, B.Pasamonik, J.Zalewska (eds.) Socjologia czasu, kultury i ubóstwa. Warszawa: Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej. 197-210.
Siemieńska, R. (2015). Aktywność obywatelska i jej uwarunkowania – porównania międzykulturowe (Civic Activity and Its Determinants- Cross-cultural Comparison). In: M.Lewicki, S.Mandes,A. Przybylska, M. Sikorska, C. Trutkowski (eds.) Socjologia uspołecznienia. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe Scholar. 281-302.
Siemieńska, R., I. Matysiak (2014) Lone Mothers: Care Arrangements between Support and Isolation. In: C. Ranci, T. Brandsen, S. Sabatinelli (eds.) Social Vulnerability in European Cities. The Role of Local Welfare in Times of Crisis. Palgrave Macmillan. 221-243.
Siemieńska, R. (2014) Two Decades of Participatory Democracy in Poland. In: Freise, Matthias,Thorsten, Hallmann (eds.) Modernizing Democracy. Associations and Associating in the 21st Century. Springer. 145-156.
Siemieńska, R. (2014) Role of Gender Quota Systems in Polish Parliamentary Elections After the Fall of Communism. In: McSweeney (ed.) Gender Perspectives in Case Studies Across Continents: Volume II. E-book published by Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender (Buenos Aires) and by UNESCO (Paris). 99-117.
Siemieńska, R., I. Matysiak, A. Domaradzka (2014) Social Innovations for social cohesion: Warsaw, in: A. Evers, B. Ewert and T. Brandsen (eds) Social Innovations for social cohesion. Transnational patterns and approaches from 20 European cities. WILCO ebook
Siemieńska, R., I. Matysiak, A. Domaradzka (2014) Social Innovations for social cohesion: Plock, in: A. Evers, B. Ewert and T. Brandsen (eds) Social Innovations for social cohesion. Transnational patterns and approaches from 20 European cities. WILCO ebook
Siemieńska, R.,I.Matysiak , A. Domardzka (2013), „Mothers as citizens: the case study of the activities of MaMa Foundation in Warsaw”, Fondazione Volontariato e Partecipazione, working paper series FVeP 23, ISSN: 2240-3272.
Siemieńska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2012), Measures of social cohesion in Polish cities: Warsaw, WILCO Publication no. 31:
Siemieńska, R., A. Domaradzka, I. Matysiak (2011), Local welfare in Poland from a historical and institutional perspective, WILCO Publication no. 09:
Siemienska R., A.Domaradzka, D.Walczak (2010), National Report on LLL and adult learning POLAND, Evaluation Framework for the Evolution of LLL Strategies in Europe, Project Number: 147760-LLP-2008-GR-KA1NLLS.
Siemieńska R., A. Domaradzka (2009). The welfare system in Poland: transformation with difficulties, in: K. Schubert, S. Hegelich, U. Bazant (eds) The Handbook of European Welfare Systems. New York: Routledge. p. 378-397.
Siemieńska R., A. Domaradzka (2008). Transformation mit Schwierigkeiten: Das polnische Wohlfahrtssystem [Transformation with Difficulties: The Polish Welfare System], in: K. Schubert (ed.) Europaische Wohlfahrtssysteme: ein Handbuch, Wiesbaden, p. 503-524.
2002-2005 Member of the Steering Committee “Women in Science” of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Poland
2001-2005 Member of the Advisory Board for the Office of Plenipotentiary for Equal Status of Men and Women in Poland
1994-cont Reviewer of schoolbooks for the Ministry of National Education in Poland
1993-1997 Member of the editorial board: Social Politics (published in USA)
1993-1994 President of the Board of Trustees of the INSTRAW
1992-1995 Member of the Advisory Committee of Polish UNESCO Committee.
1991-2000 Member of the editorial board: Women’s History Review (published in the G. Britain)
1990-1998 Member of the Steering Committee of The European Network for Women’s Studies
1990-1997 Member of the Board of Trustees of the INSTRAW (United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women)
1985-cont Member of the editorial board: Inter. Review of Sociology (published in Italy)
1985-1990 Member of the National Council of Polish Political Science Association (PPSA).
1985-1988 Member of the editorial board: Women and Politics (published in USA)
1985 Member of the Council of the Inter. Political Science Association.
1983-1987 Expert UNESCO, Division of Human Rights and Peace.