Seminarium „Perspektywy Socjologii Relacyjnej” 29 X: Michalis Christodoulou

Centrum Analiz Relacyjnych Kultury i Społeczeństwa Wydziału Socjologii UW oraz Instytut Studiów Społecznych im. Profesora Roberta Zajonca UW zapraszają na seminarium z cyklu „Perspektywy socjologii relacyjnej” w dniu 29 października (wtorek) 2024 godz. 18:30-20.00, Miejsce: Karowa 18, sala 204A

Michalis Christodoulou z Aristotle University of Thessaloniki przedstawi referat pt. Do Social Relations “Have” Time? Using biographical research for understanding social time.

Abstract:  In this presentation I will present an argument on how the Critical Realist-driven (CR) biographical research (BR) might be used for explaining social phenomena. The argument is structured around four steps. First, I will argue that the defining feature of a CR-driven BR is social time and temporality. The first refers to the social time of the relationality as such and the second refers to the temporality of self’s concerns (in the presentation I expand on social time). Second, I draw upon Archer’s concept of situational logics in order to frame the term “relationality as such”. Third, by using Gurvitch’s theory of social time, I present a framework of how the varieties of social time emerge out of the various situational logics. Fourth, I will provide an example of how such an approach to the CR-driven BR might be applied to biographical material.

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