National projects

Research projects financed by the National Science Center of Poland (NCN) -ongoing


Project  Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories (2018-2021)

ISS UW together with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ICM) UW, in partnership with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS) PAN and the Faculty of Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, received funding under the Digital Poland Operational Programme (Measure 2.3 Digital Accessibility and Usability of Public Sector Information) for the implementation of the project Domestic Open Research Data Repositories. The project will include the creation of a new platform for storing and making available data collected and made available by the Social Data Archive ( and will develop, in accordance with the social data archiving standards (DDI, DOI), data from about 500 research conducted in Poland.


National Science Centre (NCN) financed projects – completed