Seminarium Instytutu Zajonca: 31 Marca: Ioana Cîrstocea (CNRS, CESSP, Paris): Geopolitics of Women’s Rights. Framing International Feminist Agendas in the late Cold War

Serdecznie zapraszamy na marcowe spotkanie w ramach Interdyscyplinarnego Seminarium Instytutu Zajonca (ISS UW).Wystąpienie pt. “Geopolitics of Women’s Rights. Framing International Feminist Agendas in the late Cold War” wygłosi dr hab. Ioana Cîrstocea (CNRS, CESSP, Paris).  W roli dyskutantki gościć będziemy prof. Renatę Siemieńską (Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Uniwersytet Warszawski).Seminarium odbędzie się 31 marca 2023 r. (piątek) w godz. 12.00-13.30 na platformie Zoom. Link do spotkania:

Identyfikator spotkania:  961 7690 0807 Kod dostępu:  082223 Strona wydarzenia na facebooku: W razie pytań, prosimy o kontakt:

Abstrakt wystąpienia: Using the syntagm of “global feminism,” scholarship published since the early 2000s depicts women’s transnational mobilizations and the subsequent consolidation of their rights related to initiatives such as the International Women’s Year (1975), the UN Decade for Women (1976-1985), and the four UN-organized world women’s conferences (1975; 1980; 1985; 1995). Knowing that gender issues were central to the Est-West competition during the Cold War, any linear narrative of a “globalizing” women’s movements in the divided geopolitical context of the 1970s and 1980s needs to be critically considered.  In order to recover conflicts in the above-mentioned international events and to shed light on situated projects aimed at overcoming ideological controversies, my current research focuses on networks that performed the “global” as a mobilization scale and a political imaginary in the late Cold War.

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