EAST PaC data available in the ADS

East European Parliamentarian and Candidate Data (EAST PaC) 1985 – 2015

The aims of this study stem from innovative matching of a formal theory of voting in the national parliamentary elections with a unique data set on candidates in parliamentarian elections in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The formal theory of voting is based on the game theoretical approach from which precise hypotheses are deduced. Theory tells us that by conditioning their ballots on policy outcomes, voters can use elections to control politicians. Presumably, politicians anticipate that they will be sanctioned for poor party-performance, and thus have an incentive to implement policies, through their parties and other political units, that correspond to the preferences of the electorate. Does the system of repeated elections function as a mechanism of electoral control, and if it does, what factors influence its effectiveness? We consider this question in a broad context of studies on parliamentary elections. A main empirical contribution of study is the creation of a dataset on all candidates that stood for office in parliamentarian elections in selected countries of Eastern Europe. The dataset allows researchers to address the problem of who wins and who loses parliamentary elections in this region, among other research questions. We call these data, the East European Parliamentarian and Candidate Data (EAST PaC). These data consist of all candidates – not only winners, but also election losers – who stood for elective office in the national legislature in Poland, Hungary and Ukraine in all post-Communist elections. Poland is exceptional, for EAST PaC contains data from two elections during the Communist era, as well.

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Zaproszenie na seminarium „”Analiza pola władzy i wybranych pól akademickich: badanie struktur, dynamiki i homologii w perspektywie teorii P.Bourdieu”

ISS UW zaprasza do udziału w seminarium w ramach projektu badawczego „Ku socjologicznej teorii znaczenia: pole władzy i nauki społeczne w procesach semiozy” p.t. „Analiza pola władzy i wybranych pól akademickich: badanie struktur, dynamiki i homologii w perspektywie teorii P.Bourdieu”

8 grudnia 2017 r. (piątek) godz.15.

ISS UW, ul. Stawki 5/7, Warszawa, Sala 417 (4 piętro, za szklanymi drzwiami)

Program w załączeniu.

Prosimy o potwierdzenie udziału w seminarium do dnia 28 listopada na adres: iss@uw.edu.pl

Konferencja „”Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Alternative Economic Models and Responses to Decline in Contemporary Society”,

Sekcja Socjologii Ekonomicznej i Oddział Warszawski PTS, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji UW oraz Instytut Studiów Społecznych UW zapraszają do udziału w międzynarodowej konferencji „Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Alternative Economic Models and Responses to Decline in Contemporary Society„, która odbędzie się w dniach 21 i 22 maja 2018 r. w Warszawie. Konferencja jest drugim wydarzeniem z cyklu warsztatów odbywających się pod wspólnym tytułem „Bringing the New Economic Sociology Back Into the Sociological Analysis”.

Zaproszenie do wygłoszenia wykładu gościnnego (keynote speech) podczas konferencji przyjęli Barbara Czarniawska (University of Gothenburg) i José Ossandón (Copenhagen Business School). Zgłoszenia referatów można przesyłać do 10 grudnia. Więcej informacji dostępnych jest na stronie http://economy-and-society.uw.edu.pl/nes-2018/

Marta Marchlewska obroniła doktorat

Serdecznie gratulujemy obrony pracy doktorskiej Marcie Marchlewskiej, absolwentce studiów doktoranckich ISS, zdobywczyni licznych nagród i grantów. Jej praca doktorska p.t. „Pamięć autobiograficzna w służbie Ja: O roli wizualnego odtwarzania zagrażających wydarzeń z pamięci autobiograficznej” powstała pod kierunkiem prof. Mirosława Kofty, promotorem pomocniczym była Aleksandra Cichocka.

Conference „Questions Robert Zajonc asked”

On May 13-14, 2010 the University of Warsaw celebrated the scientific achievements of Professor Robert B. Zajonc, one of the most creative and influential social psychologist of the XXth century. Born and raised in Poland, he immigrated to the US in 1948 but his ties to his motherland remained strong throughout his scholarly career. Not only was Professor Zajonc a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Warsaw, he was also instrumental in establishing the Institute for Social Studies (ISS) at the University of Warsaw in 1991 as a sister institution of the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan.

To commemorate Professor Zajonc’s role in its founding, ISS was proudly renamed the Robert B. Zajonc Institute of Social Studies.

As part of the commemoration there was the joint ISS-ISR conference in which several of his fellow scientists discussed Professor Zajonc’s work and its impact on their own thinking and research. The list of speakers include: T. Antonucci, E. Burnstein, J. Cacioppo, B. Gomes de Mesquita, J. Grzelak, R. Huesmann, J. S. Jackson, M. Jarymowicz, S. Kitayama, M. Kofta, H. Markus, S. Murphy, P. Niedenthal, A. Nowak, R. Ohme, J. Reykowski, Y. Schul, R. Siemieńska, G. Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska, F. Winkielman.

May, 13 , 2010 (Thursday)

  • Opening address by: Professor Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow, Rector of the University of Warsaw,
    Professor James S. Jackson, Director of the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, VIDEO
    Professor Renata Siemienska, Director of the Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, PDF
    and Professor Rowell Huesmann, Director of the Research Center for Group Dynamics, University of Michigan.
  • Presentations:
    • Hazel Markus, „Culture, Class and Zajonc”, VIDEO
    • Eugene Burnstein, „The Social Mind and a Scientist from Łódź”, PDF, VIDEO
    • Batja Gomes de Mesquita, „Emotional Change: Bob, me, and other immigrants”, PDF, VIDEO
    • John Cacioppo, „Human nature and the need for social connection”, PPTX VIDEO
    • Toni Antonucci, „Mere Exposure to People, Places and Cultures”, PDF, VIDEO
    • Rowell Huesmann, „Cold Aggression and Exposure to Violence: Evidence from America, Poland, and Germany”, PDF, VIDEO

May, 14, 2010 (Friday)

  • Robert Zajonc’s Impact on Polish psychology.
    Joint presentation chaired by Janusz Reykowski.

    • Janusz Grzelak, „Control preferences. Ten years after….” PDF
    • Maria Jarymowicz, „Understanding human emotions – Zajonc’s 1979 fundamental distinctions” PDF,
    • Mirosław Kofta & Władysław Narkiewicz-Jodko, „Control Deprivation and Intergroup Attitudes: The Role of Cognitive and Affective Deficits” PDF,
    • Rafal Ohme, „Bob’s idea of the unconscious affect and its >>Polish extension<<” PDF,
    • Andrzej Nowak, „A model of affect cumulating with and without awareness”
    • Janusz Reykowski, „Bob was also interested in the role of psychologists in solving the social conflicts” PDF,
    • Grazyna Wieczorkowska, „Intervality, birth order and genocide” PDF.
  • Presentations:
    • Shinobu Kitayama, „Cultural Neuroscience of the Self: Understanding the Social Grounding of the Brain”, PDF, VIDEO
    • Yaacov Schul, „The cost of trust: Lessons from social cognition research”, PDF, VIDEO
    • Sheila Murphy, „Feeling without thinking : Affective Primacy and the Nonconscious Processing of Emotion”, PDF, VIDEO
    • Paula Niedenthal, „Embodying Smiles”, VIDEO
    • Piotr Winkielman, „Emotion and Cognition”, PDF, VIDEO
  • Closing Celebration. A VIDEO of Bob [1989] followed by comments from members of his family and close friends.
  • Toasts and speeches VIDEO
